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bullet in the head中文是什么意思

用"bullet in the head"造句"bullet in the head"怎么读"bullet in the head" in a sentence


  • 喋血街头


  • Bullet in the head double disc collection s edition
  • So what ? what ' s it to you if i end up with a bullet in the head
  • Later i saw " bullet in the head " , with a really touching performance from him
    后来,我看了《喋血街头》 ,那真是感人至深的表演。
  • I first saw him in bullet in the head , but only recently started to pay attention to him with infernal affairs
    我第一次看的他的电影是《喋血街头》 ,最近引起我关注的是《无间道》 。
用"bullet in the head"造句  
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